This page  information related to  version 85.x for Advanced Transportation Controllers (ATCs) that conform to v5 and v6 of the ATC standard such as the Model 2070LX (with 2070-1C CPU) and the Cubic Trafficware Commander. The program, which conforms to NTCIP 1202 v2, supports 32 vehicle phases, 32 pedestrian phases, 32 overlaps, 8 timing rings, 32 output channels, 100 logic steps, and 128 vehicle detectors. 

The major version number of Scout software is 85; “v85” and “Scout” refer to the same program. 

Functions and features that were added after the initial release of the program are noted with the version number, surrounded by brackets, of the release in which they first appeared. For example, [85.2] indicates that the function or feature was added in program version 85.2. You can quickly find new functions and features by searching the document for the brackets and version number.

To download the latest version click here -->  Current Version

To download previous releases (Use at your own risk) click here --> Previous Releases

Scout Software – Release Notes

85.6.0 (Build 861.32, 20 Nov 2024) 

(Limited Release for field test)

New: Stop in Walk by pattern selection

OTA Update enhancement for flash-less updates

Enhancement to Gratuitous Arp to Server

Fix: Phase 8 det failure causing error in Diamond mode timing

Fix: Rack Mount Commander Aux Switch not working as expected

Fix: Sequence number displayed in ATMS during Preemption incorrectly


85.5.2 (Build 769.17, 06 Feb 2025)

(Limited Release for field test)

Scout Logging enhancements

Fix: FYA termination to yellow prior to modifier to serve Ped call after FYA delay expires

85.5.1 (Build 753.14, 25 June 2024)

New: Permissive parameter added for selecting channel state in SPaT

Fix: Time Stamp corrections for SPaT output

Fix: Boot up time for SDLC Traffic taking longer than expected

85.5.0 (Build 737.15, 22 Nov 2023)

New: OTA Application Update

New: EBOS info added in About Screen

New: NTCIP 1211 v2 support

New: Speed Detector Group option

TSP calculation improvement

Fix: FYA startup not working

Fix: Diamond Split report data incorrect

Fix: Overlap Inhibit not expiring after timeout

Fix: TSP not working in Free Mode

Fix: AllRedB4Ped bug

85.4.3 (Build 704.40, 31 Aug 2023)

Fix: CMU type toggled on Browser UI does not change parameter in database

Fix: Detectors 65+ not being set correctly on pin mapping

Fix: SPaT output measured at 30 hertz, should be 10 hertz

Fix: Misc corrections for GUI when programming invalid entries

New: CIPs library added for third party CPU support

Classic Web browser returned for third party 1C’s

Ped call buffer status for ATMS status stays on till served

85.4.2 (Build 694.4, 9 Jan 2023)

Fix: Bug with Red Extension detector causing All Red  

85.4.1 (Build 690.4, 15 Nov 2022)

Fix: Deleting Overlap modifier entry required restart

Fix: Phase Check output correction

Fix: Independent Ped output not dark with preempt flash

Fix: FYA output causing flash with FYAMinTime set in specific configurations

LRV preemption type removed

Overlap startup follow parent phase startup

FYA Gap Max setting of 255 now infinite

New: Overlap Inhibit inputs added

New: Enet Speed setting of 10/100

New: SPaT Channel 183 added

85.4.0 (Build 680.5, 18 Aug 2022)

Fix: TSP timestamp issue for ATMS reports

Fix: Controller lockup with SPaT and Lead-Lag operation

Fix: MM-6-7 not displaying Enet counts

SPaT enhancement for 32 Phase, Ped and Overlap output

Commander display defaults to 16 lines in Classic

Detector fail times populated for 128 detectors

New: NTCIP 1202 v3 support

85.3.0 (Build 652.9, 1 Dec 2021)

 Scout 85.3.0 is supported by ATMS 2.12 and StreetSync 3.0.

Fix: Wrong configuration version being downloaded causing controller failure

Fix: Alarm 73 not working with Web Access

Fix: Fast Flash Overlap Rate selection

Fix: Detector Status and Alarm remaining active

Fix: FYA Min Time larger than phase Min Green creating conflict situation

Fix: TSP incorrectly programmed causing permanent inhibits, error alarms created for TSP

Remote Access Web Browser upgrade

Updated SPM data enumerations to August 2020 standard

Improvements to Input/Output selection screens 

New: ATC Cabinet initialization

New: Engine Board type added to version screen

New: Controller-Manager utility for upgrading hardware

85.2.4 (Build 599.20, 31 August 2021)

Fix: Crystal Clock source wouldn’t stay selected.

85.2.3 (Build 592.18, 25 May 2021)

Fix: Local Counter fluctuating causing transition.

85.2.2 (Beta-Release Build notes, 7 April 2021)

Fix: Overlap not terminating correctly with Preempt service

Fix: FYA Min Time setting after force off causing conflicting indications

Fix: Wrong values in Split history showing longer cycle lengths

Fix: User mode configurations with certain preempt setup causing software hold resolved

Fix: FIO Status incorrectly displaying in Commander UI

Improvements to coordination calculations to improve time to sync

TSP operation improvements to achieve TED time

LPI calculations with Shortway calculation correction

85.2.1 (Build 570.4, 08 February 2021)

Fix: FYA Phase Next Interrupted causing conflicting indications

85.2.0 (Build 566.1, 22 January 2021)

 Scout 85.2.0 is supported by ATMS 2.11 and StreetSync 2.1.8.

Increase Pattern specific items from 48 to 253

Improvements to navigating Pattern specific items

Default Split number for each Pattern changed to match pattern 

New: Selection for a Free Ring operation per Pattern

New: Red Extension functionality

Updated TSP status screen

Updated Overlap status screen

Fix: Soft Recall not working in same barrier

85.1.72 (Build 561.48, 05 January 2021)

(Limited Feature release for Ada County)

Fix: FYA Min Time calculation causing conflicting indications

Fix: Phase with no demand could extend to Max in presence of cross-barrier calls

Fix: SDLC fault alarm bug fix introduced in 85.1.71

T.R. functionality added

New: Disabling a failed DET BIU allows its Failed state to be cleared

85.1.71 (Build 550.46, 23 November 2020)

(Limited Feature release for PennDOT)

Fix: NTCIP object patternSplitNumber may return invalid value of 0

Default split number for each pattern changed from 0 to 1

Controller logging improvements intended to help identify issues more efficiently

85.1.70 (Build 485.23, 30 September 2020)

(Limited Feature release for PennDOT, Bridgeport, TxDOT, and TransCore)

Fix: door alarm in ATC cabinet does not activate

Fixes for NTCIP API: phaseConcurrency pads return values with up to 32 bytes of zeros; maxPreempts returns 0 instead of 12; ringStatus always returns 0; Local Cycle Zero alarm may not activate; AscPhaseBlock GET response too long; GET of dynamic object with phaseMaximum or phaseDynamicMaxLimit may be too long

85.1.69 (Build 484.22, 25 June 2020)

Improved operation during coordinated operation and using Ring setting to terminate FYA to serve pedestrian movement (“FYARedB4Ped”)

Fix: when using Ring setting to terminate FYA to serve pedestrian movement (“FYARedB4Ped”), minimum green may not be honored, and yellow change interval may never terminate or may time twice

Fixes to asynchronous serial bindings: GPS protocol causes port to freeze, CMU/MMU protocol only offers Async1 option

85.1.68 (Build 483.21, 4 June 2020)

 Scout 85.1.68 version requires ATMS type 85.1.68+ for support.

Added new options (All Red, Ring, Side Street Call) to control how to terminate FYAs to serve conflicting pedestrian movements (“FYARedB4Ped”)

Fix: issue with timing when Diamond Mode is changed

Fix: database converted from v76 could have corrupt Day Plan data

Increase Event quantity in Day Plans from 16 to 20

Changed certain Graphics UI screens to better match Classic UI screens

New: Setting for FYA minimum service time

Added support for all 32 phases in TSP

Added Ped apply and Yield point adjustments on Easy Calculations screen

Fixes for detector alarm, schedule, day plan, time of day clock, and time zone offset NTCIP objects

Tested with ATC v6 Engine Board OS 1.0.3

85.1.67 (Build 481.19, 30 March 2020)

(Limited Feature release for Connecticut DOT)

New: Coord Hold parameter provides a window of time for a call to come in or stay in coord phases

New: Max parameter in split tables allows changing Max via Pattern instead of via Alt Table

85.1.66 (Build 473.18, 4 March 2020)

Improvements to Graphics UI performance and appearance

Enhancement: Conversion support for user maps and I/O to Scout

Add ability in Graphics UI to save changes before exiting screen

New: FYA features including FYARedB4Ped and Gap Dependent FYA

Fix: Controller goes into transition every 10 min.

Enhancement: TSP functionality imported

Fix: Interval Advance input behavior

Enhancement: Add Ped and Red extend events to high resolution data logging

Added ability to activate Low Priority Preemption via SNMP

Enhancement: Alternate Table information viewable on main status screen

Misc. corrections to Classic UI

85.1.65 (Build 409.11, 30 July 2019)

(Initial release)