PREREQUISITES: GRIDSMART Processors must first be updated to 21.3 or later.

CRITICAL NOTE ABOUT THE UPDATE: This update will take less than 10 minutes to complete. It includes both low-level firmware updates as well as security updates to the underlying operating system. Upon reboot, it may take several minutes for the system to start up while the operating system updates are applied, with both the STATUS and CAMSTAT LEDs flashing during this time.


When the update is complete, it will be indicated in two ways:

  • The phase LEDs on the front of the processor will all turn green.

  • The Web App displays a progress bar during the update that will show that the update has completed and the system is rebooting.

FIX: Resolves an issue on GS3s that prevented the cell modem from being initialized correctly on a cold boot. 

FIX: Resolves an issue on a small number of GS2s licensed with the Streams or Performance Plus modules that caused the Streams RTSP Urls to use IP address instead of the network IP address.

FIX: Resolves an issue on all GRIDSMART Processors running 21.12 or higher that prevented the system from recognizing infrared cameras.