This article details the steps necessary to enable advanced API trace logging in the Desktop App to help diagnose tickets escalated to Engineering. Enabling this functionality will create a log of every API call made between the Desktop app and connected Processors. 

Steps to Enable:

  1. Close the Desktop App
  2. Open "C:\Program Files\GRIDSMART App" in File Explorer
  3. Rename the file "GTI.Gridsmart.Client.exe.config" to something that's easy to undo. "GTI.GridSmart.Client.exe.config.bak" is a good option. This file will be restored to the original file name to disable api logging after the diagnostic capture is complete.
  4. Download the file attached to this article and copy it to "C:\Program Files\GRIDSMART App". When prompted, confirm you want to replace the existing file.
  5. Launch the Desktop App
  6. Verify a file "apilog.txt" has been created in "C:\ProgramData\GRIDSMART\logs\client"
  7. Execute the steps necessary to reproduce the issue being investigated, denoting the current time for easy reference in the logs.

Steps to Disable: 

  1. Close the Desktop App
  2. Open "C:\Program Files\GRIDSMART App" in File Explorer
  3. Delete the file "GTI.Gridsmart.Client.exe.config"
  4. Rename the backup file (ex: "GTI.GridSmart.Client.exe.config.bak") back to "GTI.GridSmart.Client.exe.config"
  5. Launch the Desktop App
  6. Verify the "apilog.txt" file is not being written to.